To develop my professional life, and help others succeed I COMMIT myself in business clubs

IE-Club logo EN

To create synergies between all the players in the Innovation ecosystem

I am committed to the IE-Club to help Startups, Scaleups, Large Companies (Open Innovation), Investors and Institutions (Bpifrance, Business France).

Hi Team logo

To bring together, and to move forward, the alumni of the Grandes Ecoles

I am committed to Hi-Team because of the diversity and richness of sharing.


To disseminate theories and best practices of Foresight and Innovation

I am committed to “La Fabrique du Futur” for a more human and sustainable world.


To facilitate innovations in HR (Human Resources)

I am committed to the LabRH to help HR Startups and HR Directors of large companies to work better together.

I love the Mission and the Men of these 4 Business Clubs, which I regularly recommend

Participation in well-chosen Business Clubs is crucial in a career as a Top Manager.

Let’s talk about it openly.